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ONEVET has just integrated VETDINHA GROUP, which since 1994 has been developing its activity in the district of Viseu through two clinics, one in Tondela and the other in Mortágua, a small clinic in Carregal do Sal and a Pet Hotel, also in Tondela. Led by the veterinarians Jaime Matos and Judite Matos, Vetdinha has always been guided by the quality and diversity of its veterinarian services, having already carried out three major remodeling and expansions of the physical space since its creation. Currently counts with 6 consultation rooms, 2 operating rooms and 13 boxes, in its Pet Hotel.

Vetdinha has made a constant commitment to innovation, having started, in 2010, the gastroenterology/endoscopy service and in the same year the digitization of the X-ray, it also has its own laboratory. In surgery, both general and orthopedic, the acquisition of the most modern and innovative equipment with the use of volatile anesthesia and assisted ventilation, associated with the continuous monitoring of vital physiological parameters, combined with an experienced team of 15 people, makes all procedures safer.

Jaime Matos e Judite Matos, clinical directors and founders of Vetdinha Group, comment: Since its inception, and over these 30 years, at Grupo Vetdinha, the quality and diversity of services and diagnostic means have always been an objective, always trying to meet the demand and expectations of those who need it and deserve their trust. But more than that, opening paths, raising awareness, informing and always bringing innovation. It was with pride that we saw our value recognized in the invitation to join the Onevet Group. As the leading veterinary group in Portugal, we see in our integration the opportunity to expand our entire capacity to support our customers, by relying on all their experience and that of their professionals. Together we will continue to be stronger for the challenges of the present and the future. Always with Care, Affection and Passion with our animals.”

Guilherme Assis, Executive Director of ONEVET, says: With this integration, OneVet once again embraces a differentiated team that develops quality and dedicated work in the Center-Interior region of Portugal and hopes to contribute in all areas of business support, as well as enable access to the entire team to clinical training of the highest quality, so that Vetdinha continues to expand its valencies and differentiated services.”

The UNAVETS Group (“UNAVETS”) is a leading veterinary healthcare group with over 149 practices across Spain and Portugal. UNAVETS is comprised of reference/specialized centers, 24-hour hospitals, primary opinion clinics and vet offices, which guarantee a complete service offering. Its growth strategy started with a focus on Iberia but has since expanded to other European countries and the United States, as well as adjacent verticals synergistic with veterinary healthcare. UNAVETS differentiates itself via heavy investment in science-led clinical training, equipment, and clinical business support, continuing to push the envelope in favor of advanced veterinary care.  For more information please visit: