Onevet Figueira da Foz Veterinary Clinic has a fantastic team and new facilities that will provide you with a high level of service.
Veterinary Doctors

Carla Martins
Veterinary Doctor Director
João Oliveira has a degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2001 from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences from the University of Porto. He then went on to do a Postgraduate Degree in Veterinary Imaging in 2008. He has a PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Porto.He is also a lecturer on Clinical Imaging I and II at the Vasco da Gama University, in Coimbra.
He has been the Clinical Director of Onevet Figueira da Foz Veterinary Clinic since 2003, collaborating with Onevet University of Coimbra Veterinary Hospital since 2015 and with Onevet Baixo Vouga Veterinary Hospital since 2020.
He performs outpatient ultrasounds in several veterinary clinics in the central area of Portugal.
He is a founding member of the Portuguese Society of Veterinary Cardiology and a former member of its Board.
His main areas of interest include cardiology and diagnostic imaging/echography.
He enjoys spending time with friends and family and has an interest in music, photography and sport.

Rita Simões
Veterinary Doctor
Rita Simões has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences Salazar, University of Porto, in 2008. She has done an internship in companion animal breeding and production animal clinics and surgery. She did an extracurricular internship at Onevet Figueira da Foz Veterinary Clinic in 2006/2007.She has also taken part in several training courses in Portugal and abroad.
Simões is an author and co-author of several articles published in indexed scientific journals.
She’s been a member of the clinical staff of Onevet Figueira da Foz Veterinary Clinic since 2008.
Her main areas of interest are reproduction, physiotherapy, internal medicine and dermatology.
She enjoys spending her free time with family and friends and travelling.

Gonçalo Quadros
Veterinary Doctor
Gonçalo Quadros finished an Integrated Master's degree in Veterinary Medicine in July 2012 at Vasco da Gama University of Coimbra. He then did his final internship at Onevet Figueira da Foz Veterinary Clinic. He's been a member of the clinical staff of Onevet Figueira da Foz Veterinary Clinic since 2012.He has taken part in several training courses in Portugal. His main areas of interest are Internal Medicine (gastroenterology, nephrology, ophthalmology and urology), Imaging and Anaesthesiology. His free time is mainly spent with family and friends and travelling both in Portugal and abroad. He also enjoys sport, cinema, gastronomy and oenology.
Alexandra Neves
Veterinary Doctor
Veterinary Nurse & Veterinary Assistant

Ângela Morgado
Veterinary Nurse
Ângela Morgado finished her degree in Veterinary Nursing from the Castelo Branco School of Agriculture in 2018. She then did a curricular internship at Onevet University of Coimbra Veterinary Hospital.Her main areas of interest include Admission and surgery.
Her free time is spent enjoying nature with family and friends. She also has a particular interest in history, cinema and classical music.
Nos tempos livres gosta de ler livros e passear na praia.

Angela Tenreiro
Veterinary Nurse
Ana Rita Figueiredo
Veterinary Assistant
Completed the course of Veterinary Assistant in the training center Talento in 2021/2022, complemented with a curricular internship at Onevet Figueira da Foz Veterinary Clinic in 2022, currently integrating the clinic team.Main areas of interest: grooming and behavior.
Her free time is spent with family and friends. She is also interested in music and photography.